Is Cucumber Safe for Rats? +Other Food Alternatives

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Many people would believe that cucumbers are a vegetable, but cucumbers are actually categorized as a fruit. Before feeding your rats cucumber, you might be wondering whether it is safe for them to consume.

Can Rats Eat Cucumber? Cucumbers are a great treat for rats when given to them in small amounts. Cucumbers are very high in water content and will cause diarrhea if you overfeed them.

Fruits are delicious and come in all different sizes, shapes, and tastes. The majority of fruit is high in natural sugars and water content so it is important to know which fruits are safe for your pet.

Check: Can Rats Eat Pineapple?

Can Rats Eat Cucumber?

Cucumbers are a tasty treat that male and female rats can eat in small amounts.

a rat is eating cucumber but can rats eat cucumber safely?

When giving cucumbers to your pet rat it is important to carefully give them the correct amount. Too much cucumber can cause your rat diarrhea as the water content is quite high.

When rats get diarrhea it can cause dehydration which can lead to death if not treated and depending on how severe it is.

Before giving cucumber to your rat make sure it has been washed and chopped up into small pieces. If it’s not in small pieces it can become a choking hazard.

Knowing what your rat can and cannot eat is extremely important.

Preparing Cucumber for Your Rat

a rat is eating cucumber, can rats eat cucumber

The most important part about preparing the cucumber is to make sure it is thoroughly washed and cut into small chunks that your rat can eat.

The first thing you want to do is wash the cucumber under some fresh running water such as a tap. This removes all the potential pesticides that are used when growing the cucumbers.

Next, you need to slice the cucumber and cut it up into small chunks.

The cucumber is now ready to give to your rat. The first time you feed cucumber to your pet rat it is a good idea to only give them a small amount.

It is not known for rats to be allergic to cucumbers but it can happen. So start off by giving them a small amount and see how they react to it. It’s wise to do this with all types of rat food the first time you feed your rat.

Cucumber is a Treat: Feed-in Moderation

Just like any other fruit or treats such as apples, rice cakes, or cheese, it is important to feed them to your rat in small amounts and only twice to three times per week.

a rat is eating cucumber, can rats eat cucumber

Overfeeding your pet treats that are high in sugar and water can cause diabetes, obesity, liver problems, diarrhea, and other health problems. It isn’t very healthy for your rat to consume treats often so it is important to not give them too much.

If your rat gets diarrhea, that’s a good sign you’re overfeeding them and you need to immediately stop feeding them treats. Diarrhea can cause dehydration which can lead to death if it goes on for too long.

Benefits of Cucumber: Are They Good for Rats?

Cucumbers are an excellent source of protein and Iron. They contain 650mg of protein per 100g and 280 mcg of iron per 100g.

Not only are they delicious but they are also a good source of water and can hydrate your rat. Although make sure you don’t overfeed them as too much cucumber can cause diarrhea.

When fed to your rat in small amounts it is a great treat to give them.

Can Rats Eat Cucumber Skin?

The cucumber skin is also edible for rats, but it isn’t uncommon for them to leave the skin and just eat the main part of the fruit.

Sometimes the skin of a cucumber is too rough, chewy or they don’t like the taste.

With most fruits and vegetables it is a good idea to remove the skin before feeding them to your rat. Sometimes it can be a choking hazard or contain ingredients that are unsafe for your rat.

Can Rats Eat Cucumber Seeds?

The seeds of the cucumber are incredibly small, and the majority of the time you don’t even realize they are there.

Cucumber seeds are safe for rats to consume and don’t need to be removed before feeding them to your rat.

Although if you were to feed your rat another fruit with seeds, it is wise to remove them before letting your rat consume it as they can be a potential hazard.

Seeds such as pumpkin seeds have a very high-fat content and can be dangerous to feed.

Take a look at this rat enjoying the cucumber:

What Other Fruits Can Rats Eat? (Alternatives)

Cucumbers are very high in water content which may put you off giving it to your rat.

That’s why we’ve put together a list of other safe fruit alternatives that can be given to your rat as a treat.

Before giving any of these treats to your rat, make sure you’ve properly sized them by cutting them up and have washed them underwater properly. This makes sure all the pesticides and removed.

  • Apples – Rats can eat apples but make sure you remove all the seeds as they are a hazard
  • Bananas – Some rats love bananas
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries – Can be a little messy at times but lots of rats love them
  • Cherries
  • Grapes – Rats love green and purple grapes. Purple grapes have also been known to prevent cancer growth in rats
  • Kiwi
  • Peaches – Remove the pits/seeds before giving them to your rat as they can be a hazard
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries – A great healthy rat and easily accessible at supermarkets
  • Watermelon – High in water content so feed in small amounts has a great blog post explaining why feeding your rats strawberries is a great way to introduce healthy food into your rat’s diet.

What Other Vegetables Can Rats Eat? (Alternatives)

Vegetables can be a great healthy treat for your rat. Vegetables are also much lower in sugar and water content compared to fruits.

Before giving any of these treats to your rat, make sure you’ve properly sized them by cutting them up and have washed them underwater properly. This makes sure all the pesticides and removed.

Here’s a list of our favorite vegetables that are safe for rats to consume:

  • Carrots – Carrots are a great healthy treat for your rat. Make sure you’ve chopped them up to an appropriate size and have washed them. They can be given to your rat boiled, baked or raw. Make sure t check our guide about “Can pet rats eat carrots?”
  • Cabbage – You can cook cauliflower by boiling it a pot of water until it’s soft enough to eat. You should avoid feeding your rat red cabbage is it is a health concern but normal cabbage is safe for rats to eat.
  • Cooked Cauliflower
  • Chicory
  • Peppers – Sweet peppers have a high vitamin C content and can served both raw and cooked. You should avoid chili peppers.
  • Cress
  • Broccoli
  • Peas
  • Broad Beans

It’s important to not overfeed vegetables to your rats as some veg such as Brussels sprouts and cabbage can cause a build-up of gas and can be a health concern. It is also recommended to cook vegetables first.


What should you not feed rats?

Foods such as chocolate, raw beans, apple seeds, raw sweet potatoes, green potatoes, overly sugary foods, and caffeinated beverages all need to be kept hidden from your rat as they can become a serious health certain when consumed.

Can rats eat cheese?

a rat is eating cheese

Male and Female rats can both eat cheese. Cheese contains a high amount of fats, so it is important to only feed them in small amounts and not too often.

Can rats eat lettuce?

Lettuce is a healthy safe treat for your rat to consume in moderate amounts. Just like any other treat, you shouldn’t feed them to your rat too often.

a rat is eating cucumber

Can rats eat cucumber? Please share your opinion on this topic below!

Olfa Turki
Olfa Turki

Olfa knows how to get things done and has a keen business sense that others admire. She’s always on the go, coming up with new ideas! Her ability to anticipate the needs of her readers and deliver information that they want is what makes CatVills such a success. She loves cuddling her cat Picaciu. He is her inspiration.
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