
Can Hamsters Eat Strawberries?

One of the biggest challenges you as a hamster owner face is determining which foods are safe for your hamster to eat. Strawberries are one of these foods that a responsible hamster owner needs to take a closer look at. Can hamsters eat strawberries? Yes, hamsters can eat strawberries in moderation. While strawberries are safe for […]

Can Hamsters Drink From A Bowl?

Everyone knows hamsters can drink from cage-attached water bottles, but can they drink from a bowl as well? Can Hamsters Drink From Bowls? Hamsters can drink from a bowl. If you’re having issues getting your hamster to drink from a bottle, using a bowl is a good alternative. There are a number of reasons you […]

Where do Hamsters Live in the Wild?

Most people know hamsters are typically found frolicking inside of pet stores. But they didn’t originate under the too-bright lights of your local PetSmart. Where did they come from originally? Where Do Hamsters Live Outside of Pet Stores? It depends on the breed of hamster, hamsters are known to live in desert areas in underground […]

Can Hamsters Eat Chocolate?

Chocolate is delicious and fattening, and therefore the bane of my existence… but will it hurt your hamster? Can hamsters eat chocolate? Hamsters cannot eat chocolate. It’s poisonous to them. Even a small piece of chocolate can make hamsters extremely sick and can cause death in large enough quantities.   There are many treats you can […]

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